24 simple investing strategies from the world's greatest value investor / Twenty-four simple investing strategies from the world's greatest value investor How Buffett does it ::24 simple investing strategies from the world's greatest value investor / 巴菲特投资圣经:价值投资的24条黄金法则:24 simple investing strategies from the world's greatest value investor 巴菲特教你选择成长股:profiting from the bargain hunting strategies of the world's greatest value investor Investing strategies for the high net worth investor 巴菲特胜券在握:传奇股神的投资奥义:investment strategies of the world's greatest investor Lost growth stock strategies from the father of value investing what you can--and can't--learn from the world's greatest investor / 集中投资:巴菲特和查理·芒格推崇的投资策略:strategies of the world's greatest concentrated value investors